Stars have always been a part of our family tradition and
close to our hearts.
My husband Mike taught our children the stories of the constellations.
We would look at the stars at night and pick out the various constellations. When our daughter Sarah was beginning her
plans for college out of town, and talking about being away from home, Mike would remind her that the stars, particularly
Orion, would always show her the way home. He told her that no matter where she was at night, when she looked at Orion,
she would know that he was looking at the same stars and thinking of her.
After Sarah was killed in 2003, we honored her memory on
birthday by naming a star for her through the Star Foundation. Her star is located in Orion. We still look at the stars every night, knowing that she is dancing across them.

I was outside last night looking
at the stars. They reminded me of the people I love; there was one which shone the brightest ... it was you.
Heroes are like stars; they are
always around us doing what they do, but you see them at their brightest during a time of darkness.
Two things inspire me to awe
- the starry heavens above and the morale universe within.

Each of us represents a star
in the sky; sometimes we shine with the rest, sometimes we twinkle alone, and sometimes ... when we least expect it ... we
fall and make someone's dreams come true.

Perhaps they are not stars in
the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.
And even though I know how very
far apart we are, it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.

I have loved the stars too fondly
to be fearful of the night.

A star is beautiful; it affords
pleasure, not from what it is to do, or to give, but simply by being what it is.
There is no death! The stars
go down to rise upon some other shore, and bright in heaven’s jewelled crown they shine forevermore.